April Henry King, Artist, Entrepreneur, Mom

Have you ever accidentally uncovered a secret talent that you didn't know you had? Hear how my guest April Henry King did just that and has turned it into a career where she can make her own rules and live the life she has dreamed of.
Follow April on Instagram - @aprilhenryking
Check out April's murals and commision work and maybe commision her yourself at her website AprilHenryKing.com
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Like I would just wake up in the middle of the night and be like, what? We're gonna have a human in here? And like totally freak out.
Welcome to another episode of Chewing the Fat. I am your host, Big Robb. Thank you so much for tuning in, downloading, following the podcast, wherever you find your podcast. I certainly do appreciate that. Also thanks to Scott for the coffees that you bought me at ChewingtheFatBR.com. I really appreciate that. It helps the late night edit sessions go very easily. So I really do appreciate your support. And I'm so excited about my guest today. We have,
been talking for a while. She is an artist. You've seen her work around town. It brings so much joy to Augusta. She is a new mom and just as glowing as a Georgia peach, although I guess we're over here in South Carolina. But still, please welcome April Henry King. Aw, thank you so much. And look at you, you're so legit with your podcast. What do you mean? I'm just like really impressed. It's okay.
Is that that's a compliment, right? Yeah. Okay. No, well, I mean, because like everyone just, you know, like everyone starts a podcast these days. I feel like, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's like, I love. Yeah. But like, I'm just not, it's, I'm not used to it. It's great. I like it. Even, even in the junk ridden studio room that we're in. No, I like it. I like it. I love it. It's intimate. It's intimate. There you go. April, you are you from the Augusta area? I am. Raised in, yep. Raised and born in Augusta.
and are born and raised, I guess you say. And now live in North Augusta with you. Yeah, yeah. So when- I mean, not with you, but- Yeah, cause you would have been on the show sooner, like, cause then that would have been like, come on, why can't you be on the show with you? Literally live with me now. Live over here in North Augusta. I love this whole CSRA. I don't even know if people use that term anymore for the Central Savannah River area. Yeah, I think they do. Did they still use that? I think I heard some other term.
before for this area. But it's such a cool region to be like, you know, right there on the Savannah River and you've got Georgia and South Carolina right there. And I think we, as states and cities go, I think we play nice together. Oh yeah, I think so too. I know that there can be some like competitions sometimes here and there, but I really love that we live so close, like you said, to the river and then we just cross the bridge and we're in downtown. So it's like we get the best of both worlds.
be in North Augusta where it's like really, like it's a great spot to have a family. And then you can, I mean, not that Augusta isn't, but you know, it's like, we're just so close. And then you just cross the bridge. And then we're on it. One minute later, and then you're in like funky downtown. So. That's right. Grabbing a sandwich and knuckle sandwiches or something like that. Or yeah, it is a great area. When you say you grew up born and raised here in Augusta, is it,
different than you remember when you were a child? I mean, you're still a child, but I mean... Well, you know, well, thank you. I just turned, wait, 32, I think, so thank you. But yeah, so growing up though, we weren't allowed to go downtown because it was like when there wasn't anything down there. And so our parents were just like, I know, you know... It's a laparated building. Yeah, like, I don't need to be down there. And so,
weren't really allowed. I mean, we snuck downtown, you know, sorry, mom. But yeah, completely different. Because that was when, I think like the book tavern was like, like the only thing that was down there for a while, I feel like. Maybe, maybe another spot that I'm not thinking of or something. But yeah, which like, good on them for staying down. They've been like through all the phases down there. Yeah. Yeah. But yes, just to,
be like a little part of that when the revitalization kind of was happening like four I guess was like four years ago where everyone was kind of there was that Like momentum in the air and people were all excited and jazzed about it Like to be just a little part of that doing murals and adding color and everything. Yeah, it's completely different. It's really I feel like It's I just love how it has I love when cities have their own character
builds over time, it's not trying to be like anything because a lot of cities you can go to them and then you just, you can tell that they're trying to be like Greenville or they're trying to be like Asheville. But Augusta is just like, it's just like, it's funky but it's kinda like the garden city too. So it kinda has that like slight, I don't know. I don't know the vibe to put on that but it's a good like mix. So. Yeah, and I think a lot of that, you know, if you look at
Augusta, I know a lot of people here recently have seen have been using the term soul city. Yeah. You know, I mean, because you've got, you know, Sharon Jones, you've got James Brown, you've got, you know, talent like that. And we are, we're a bit funky. Yeah. And I think the more that we could, you know, embrace that, wrap our arms around the funkiness, you know? And like, you know what, this is who we are. We have a thriving music scene. There's some amazing bands playing pretty much every night. You know.
in this town, shout out to like Bodega Cat, you know, and of course there's the Brown Town Gritty, you know, just amazing musicians in this town doing the damn thing and bringing that kind of vibe. It's almost like, it's, you talk about comparing, it's not trying to be something, but you always draw comparisons. But it's like, it kind of feels like a similar vibe if you've ever been to New Orleans.
And all the places that have those live bands there, it's that energy that buzz that life. And then of course the art scene as well, you being an artist, you doing murals, of course pork chop and Jason Craig and so many others that are really beautifying this town in non-traditional ways. And it's another way again to just kind of give the city a hug and be like, yes, I'm proud of this.
case, who we are, in your art journey, have you always been a doodla? You know, you know, yeah, so in high school and middle school and all of that, I was always kind of the go to creative person. So like teachers would ask me to help them decorate their bulletin board or I don't know, do they have bulletin boards anymore? And I don't think they do. I think that. Well, I mean, you know,
Nobody was in school for two years because of COVID. Well, somebody told me the other day that they have, I don't know why I thought that this wouldn't happen by now, but there's only tablets, like no books. Like no books that you just like open. And I think that is wild, especially now that we have a kid and I'm like, what? Wait, I want him to have a book, what? But anyways, off topic, that's my usual thing. But yeah, so in high school,
and stuff, I was always kind of the go-to, kind of crafty person, I guess you could say, and was pretty creative always, but I didn't paint. I never had tried to paint, because I didn't think that I could. But actually, someone asked me to, and I tried, and then I, it was pretty good. And then I actually hung it in a coffee shop, and someone bought it, and I was like, light. But I just think that
because if someone had never asked me, I probably would, because you know how like, you just, you know, when you're younger, especially you kind of put yourself in a box and you're like, I can't do this, I can't, my sister does this and I do this and you can't like the same thing. And you, you know, and I just never, ever was like, I'm an artist. You know, I just, everyone kind of did come to me for creative things. So, so my friend, he was the one that came to me and was like,
I'm working at this coffee shop, there's nothing on the walls. You have to paint something and put it on the walls. The owner will just let you. And I'm like, I've never painted anything before. I feel bad, I will feel bad for him if I paint something and he puts it on the walls. But like I said, I just did that and then someone bought it and then I kept doing it and people just kept buying them and I had to keep painting so he could have art on the wall. It's like, dang it, I was only wanting to do one.
about to do 15. Yeah, and then that was also obviously when I realized, like, oh, I can make money doing this, this can be my job because I hated, I mean, I know everybody does, but I hated working for somebody. I just have always been that leadership kind of person. Yeah, like do it on your own. Exactly, like I've always, I've always wanted to like cut out the middle man, I've always wanted to just do my own thing and had that confidence in a way
I don't quite know where that comes from, but yeah, so. Do you remember what that first painting was? Yes, it was a coffee cup and it was super funky colors and really bright and it probably really wasn't that good. I mean, somebody bought it and it was like an older person too, which made me feel better because I was like, oh, like, it wasn't like a kid that was, you know what I mean? Like I felt like,
Oh, maybe it looks distinguished. Right. Like I knew what I was doing. Famous no art. Yeah. That is so cool. That is so cool. So let me dive into that. Was there something during the process? Did it like, you felt like it clicked? Did it felt natural? The motion of your hand, the brushstrokes, the color choice? Or was it like, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just going to blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, I guess that looks like coffee cup. I mean.
Yeah, I probably a little bit of both, but I was actually pretty good at it just first, for my first try, and I had no clue. And at the end, I remember, I was kinda doing that the whole time, like do do do do do, I had no clue what I'm doing, but it was fun, it was therapeutic, and I just really enjoyed it, and I looked at it at the end, and I was like, that is not bad. I can't believe that, because you know, you kinda laugh at yourself
you go to paint something. Like I used to teach the corks in canvas, like the painting classes, or you go, and people go to those things all the time and just laugh and laugh and laugh at themselves. You know, so I kind of thought it would be like that. So yeah, I did begin to like really love that and have fun like confidence. Each time I did something new because I kept doing paintings after that, obviously, because it became my job.
And I started doing that, I think I was 16. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I worked at Brewster's before that. And you were like. I was like, this is not, I just remember, and I know everyone feels this way, but I just remember working so hard and then getting that check. And then I was like, this ain't gonna cut it. Like I need to be my own boss. This is not, I'm not doing this. Yeah. Yeah.
How about I sell you a picture of an ice cream cone that you could put in the wall or something like that? Exactly, yeah. So did that, obviously you're still doing it now, but I mean, so did you go to school for that? Did you decide to pursue that? Yeah, no. Well, I did try to go to Augusta University and do the fine arts thing. And I think I took one class. It was intro to drawing.
I think it was so hard. It was four hours long. It was very intense. And I know this sounds weird, but I'm not good at drawing. I'm good at painting. And there's a big difference. And people don't understand that. They're like, what? That doesn't make sense. Cause you have to draw it to then paint. Which is true, but there's just something completely different about it. Like my husband is an architect. He draws way better than me. We went to Dr. Skechies. I don't know if you're familiar with that. Yeah, yeah. Down the shut in the water. Yeah.
and I was like, oh, I'm like, we were dating them. So I was like, oh my God, who's gonna think I'm like so good? And I'm just gonna like be really good at this and she's gonna like me even more. And I was so embarrassed because mine looked so bad and his was really, really good. Oh wow. Yeah, but anyway, so back to the class. I ended up learning, you know, some techniques and everything, but I just really didn't like someone once again telling me what to do. I sense a pattern.
Yeah, I just couldn't get down with that. And I also didn't like the critiquing because like you were asking earlier, did I feel something when I started first painting? And I've loved that finally there was this thing that I could do where there weren't any rules. Cause obviously, you know, I'm not, I'm not the best at rule following. You don't want people telling you what to do. So yeah, I just would create and there wouldn't be that thing of like, oh, you didn't do this.
and follow these steps. It was just kind of really fluid and free. And so I really loved that. And so doing the class, I was like, yeah. And also like mad props to people that have a fine arts degree because it is expensive and so time consuming and really hard. Like people think like, oh, that's cute. Like, oh, you're gonna get a fine arts degree. You're gonna color in the lines today. Like, no. It is.
No joke. So I was like, yeah, I'm going to be south. And so then I headed to the communications department and that was more my jam. Okay. Okay. So yes, I graduated and I think it was 2016 from AU with the communications degree. Wow. That I guess I kind of used because I market myself on Instagram and Facebook and all that. So I kind of used it. Kind of used, kind of used that degree. Yeah. Um, did.
Obviously, like I said, you had the penchant for the painting and you didn't like following other people's rules. So, entrepreneurship seems like right up your alley. As a woman, how was that when you decided, you know what, I'm going to do something that's one artistic, which, you know, general population kind of looks down on artistic jobs as, you
Oh, what's your backup? Exactly. You know what I mean? You go to become an actor. Oh, well, that's fun for you to do that now. What's your backup? And it's like, no, you don't understand. This is what I want to do. This is the backup. This is it. There is no backup. This is it. So when you're gonna be a painter and an artist, and there is a term starving artist for a reason, because a lot of times it's hard to get out there. I can imagine being a woman
harder of a hill to overcome, but kudos to you. I feel like in this moment that you are here now, you definitely have, but what was that journey like for you? It really, for, okay, I did not have that experience. I didn't feel that it was hard because I was a woman, but I could see how that could be hard. But it really, I don't know, it just everything kind of fell into place
people really trusted my judgment, which maybe, I don't know, maybe I'm thinking if I was a man, maybe they would be like, does she really know? Because you know, a lot of going into someone's home and meeting with them and getting their vibe and trying to match the art to their aesthetic and their home, people really trust women to do that, I'd say, like a little. So I actually haven't really had that experience. I mean, I have had,
one time I was working on a mural with my husband and they came to pay us and they handed the check to him and he was like, oh no, no, no, she's the boss. And that was kind of funny. That was probably the only thing I really experienced with that. But yeah, I don't know, that's just, Hatton, everything, I know this sounds annoying, but everything, I wasn't really trying to be an artist.
I did communications because I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I was like, I don't know, maybe this just isn't what I'm supposed to do. I was doing commissions on the side like while I was in school. So I still had that kind of going and people at that point were ordering things like portraits of their dog and their house and really customized art. And so that's how I paid my bills like through college. So by the time I graduated, I was like, I still have no clue what I'm going to do with this degree.
by then I would have figured it out. But yet you've graduated with a communication degree and you have this, I'm assuming, pretty extensive portfolio of art that you've created. Yes, oh yeah. And you're like, I don't know what it was. Isn't that funny? Yeah, it's hilarious. And so whenever I graduated, and thank goodness for a partner that's like super supportive, but when I had graduated, I was like, I was just crying, crying like, what am I gonna do?
and Brad was like, babe, you have a job. Like that can be your job. And I'm like, what? Like you'll trust that I can put 110% in this. And like you trust, like you're gonna, like I don't wanna say let me do this, but obviously we were a couple, we were engaged. So we needed to just discuss. Be on the same page about it. Exactly, like because like you said, that's not, it doesn't feel very secure.
to be like, I'm just gonna do whatever, you know? And not have that steady, you know, check coming in for like budgeting purposes and things like that. But he was like, no, like you can do it. Like you should do it. You should give it a try. And I was like, oh my God, like it just took so much weight off my shoulders and you were laughing just a minute ago and it's kind of funny now looking back because I don't know how I didn't see that. Like that, that was my job.
I had, I was doing, and I was doing, I was actually, at that point I probably had painted like maybe over 300 paintings while I was in college. And I like, yeah, I was so busy with that all the time and I had to say no to people because of my schoolwork. So it's like, okay, you take the school away now because I'm done and now I don't have to say no. And I still have like clientele coming to me. So it kind of was, I don't want to say was easy,
it really did just like fall in my lap. And I think it's such a godsend that happened because it wasn't like my whole life. I was like, one day I'm gonna be an artist. It was just kind of like, you know, like I was saying, the guy asked me to paint for the coffee shop. I didn't know I could paint. I tried it and then it just kind of all fell into place. You stepped a foot outside of the box you were standing in. Yeah. And all of a sudden you discovered, you know, warmer waters. Right.
much nicer viewpoint to create your life on. Yeah. And I felt really, really lucky too, because I didn't like the nine to five thing. I didn't like someone telling me what to do. So now it's like I get to make my schedule, all of that. I just feel so lucky and I'm really happy that, Brad. He's never doubted or he's never, which sometimes I'm like, are you gonna question me?
He just does it. He's just like you'll do it. You'll do it and it'll be great and I'm like Oh my god, thank you. That is so good. Yeah, that's so good to have somebody that just believes in you so much I mean that definitely Instills that confidence for you to yeah, you know seek, you know dream big You know go after the large commissions or the the you know building size murals or whatever it is that you want to do Along with the you know the the commissions that you get in you
a very specific and beautiful style of painting. Thank you. I had, by the fact, full disclosure, I had April, commissioned April to do a painting of my father-in-law and his wife and their pet for Christmas a couple of years ago. I think that was probably one of our first interactions. Yes. And it's, they still talk about that, you know? And they're like, they're moving to another house in Phoenix.
and they're like, oh yeah, we're gonna figure out where we're gonna put the painting and all this other stuff. Oh, I love to hear that. But your style, did that take some tweaking along the way to really land on this? Because I don't know how to describe it. I don't know what the actual artistic term is for what it is that you do. I don't either, I don't either. You use acrylics. Yes. And it's like a, I'm gonna call it a palette knife type technique because it's, there's dimension to it.
You know what I mean? It's not flat on a canvas. There's dimension. There's texture. There's depth and layers to what it is you do And that was just part of your discovery. Yeah, so I'm self-taught because I didn't want to do the whole art school thing and I You know didn't have a ton of tools or or anything I didn't have the best paint or the best this or whatever But you know it's young and I wanted to keep creating
and so I would use things like, I remember one time I had an old broom and I just like took the top off of it and like was using that to make texture and just, I, yeah, a lot of people try to talk art to me and I'm like, you probably know more than I do. I didn't study artist, I didn't go to art school, I didn't, you know, so I don't know the terms either. It's just another thing that just kind of happened
and I just, once you kind of get in the swing of things and in the groove and all, your style really does start to like come out when you give yourself that freedom. So yeah, it just developed like over time. And also because I'm not the best at something, cause, and this is the crazy thing, is I am not the most talented at all, like artists and I guess,
I'm just creating things, but I'm not great at, like I said, if someone was in front of me and they're like, oh, draw them. Yeah, it's not gonna look that great. I have to, I'm very, I have to get really creative in order to create things, like, because I'm not the best. I don't know if that makes sense. I don't really know how to explain it, but it's just,
I guess what I'm saying is like there's so many talented artists in Augusta and we were talking about this earlier Like there's just insecurity that comes with with artists because a lot it's like some people feel like They're showing their journal or something or they're like if they show someone their art They're like naked in the middle of the room or something, you know, like shit like it's very vulnerable for people But I just have always wanted to create so I just do it and it just
has become what it's become. And I don't know, I wasn't really ever trying to land on a style. And actually, I didn't really know I had a specific style until people started kind of saying that. And I was like, oh wow, that's cool. Cause you know, I was inspired by a lot of people. So it kind of took me some time to get there because I would kind of like, not copy, but I would practice certain different styles, looking at something
Impressionist and then seeing if I liked that or looking or whatever, you know, I'm surprised I knew what that was But you know and that's the thing is is I guess it goes back to you giving yourself this freedom To just create you weren't really worried about if somebody liked it or not. It's like there it is You don't like it. That's okay. Yeah, I liked it. That's why I made it there It is and and then it allows you to to change
and refine and move into what you have now. Your style also, and this was the one thing that my father-in-law says, like you don't generally do faces on people or things. And so he's like, where's the faces? I was like, that's her style. That's, and I'm bringing up your Instagram. I'm like, look, it's not just you. It's, that's her style.
Well, you know, these beautiful blobs of color that just, you know, but it's like, you look at that and it's like, I know that you, I'm looking at it, I know that you, you know. Yeah, and sorry, I'm gonna cut it off, but yeah, that's what I'm talking about, where it's like, I'm not the best at faces. So what's hilarious is I'm like, well, I still wanna create though, and I wanna make things. And so I just started doing that, and I was like, I'm not putting, and I love mouths because I love smiles, so I'll do the mouth.
Cause like some people get it and some people just like don't, but it's just, I think that's why I've been successful because I've, it's not about me being great or that I took all these classes and I have the best brushes and the best paint. It truly is that I'm just creating because my soul, I have to or I'll like jump out of my body. So, and I think that's what people get attached to. You know what I mean? So anyways, I say all that to say
There's so many talented artists in Augusta and I just wish so bad that they would just create like no matter what like no matter What you know just let go of all that really give yourself that freedom Because if I can be successful and I'm just self-taught and like I said, I can't even I don't even know I can't even talk art I mean, you know like if you there's so many town I just yeah, so I hope that that's encouraging if people hear that hope it's encouraging because I think we do get stuck
and think, oh, we can't do things unless we have the best equipment or the best this or we we got a degree in this or that makes me an artist or that may, but it's not. It's like just whatever your heart like, I know that sounds so cliche. No, no, look, I am I you are speaking words that I have spoken before because I I one hand I had the desire to make this podcast, but it took me over a year to get over myself because I was chasing equipment.
I kept putting hurdles in my, oh, well, I have to have this microphone. Oh, well, I have to have this and have to have that and have it. And it was, it was really just to stop myself from hitting the button and recording. And then once I've started recording, I love it so much. I love having conversations and talking to people. So, uh, the, the message that I was given that helped me to hit the record button, maybe this is the message that helps somebody to pick up a paintbrush, you know, whether you're five years old or 500 years old.
to create when you have that stuff inside, do whatever you can to get it out, to get those emotions out, to get that joy, to get that sadness, to get whatever it is, whether it's singing, whether it's writing songs, poetry, art, painting, drawing, creating music, whatever it is, let it out. You have permission to create with reckless abandon. Yeah, oh yeah, definitely. And another example of that is Jason Craig asked me,
if I wanted to be in the poster show. And I was like, Jason, you're forgetting, I am so bad at Photoshop. Like, I'm like, Jason, I can't make a poster. He's like, because I don't know if the rules were that you had to make it like in a graphic design way or on a program. Oh, I don't know where I got that from. But I was like, Jason, I can't do it because like, I don't know how to use those programs or whatever. And then I thought about it and I was like, wait, okay. I totally know how to use paint.
You know, like the paint. Like N.S. paint. Yes. And I was like, I'm gonna make a 90s poster, cause that was so 90s. Like me in my room in the 90s on paint making, I don't even know what I was making on there or something horrible, I'm sure. But I was like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna make the poster and it's gonna be a 90s poster of all Augusta things. And people loved it. But what if I would have said, no, Jason, I'm not gonna make anything. I'm not gonna do it because I don't know how to, I feel intimidated. I'm not, you know what I mean?
I mean, but I like just did it and people love, I think at like one, there was an award. I have the trophy. Like I slept with it on my pillow for like two weeks. I don't know why I'm forgetting what the award was, but I think it was like, I don't know, not best in show, but it was like the one that, I don't know. I can't think of words. People's choice or something like that. Mom's, mom brain. Yeah. Yeah, but that, but that's it. That's exactly it though. You, you, you instead of being weighed down,
with that, you and you're not wanting to follow the rules. You're like, you know what? I'm not gonna follow the rule that I'm putting on myself. I'm gonna do it with MS Bank. No, that's amazing. There were so many, so many good posters in that show. And Kudos to Jason for having the idea to put that thing together. And I am sure he's gonna do it again, because it was just so cool. And it was such a good time for him to do it too, because we had all been in our houses,
just like, or, you know, events got canceled. And so that was like, I feel like that was the first event, like in a while. That meant so much to all of us artists that he put that on and everyone just felt so like special and it was fun. Cause yeah, cause we had all been stuck in our houses and you know, maybe there are artists who'd quit creating for a while because you're just stuck at home. It's like, you know, if you were a muralist or if you were, you know, some other type of designer or something, it's like, let me, now I have a focus. I have something I can pour.
out into again. Yeah, absolutely. So kudos to you, Jason. Man, we love you. Speaking of loving things and you've mentioned being a new mom. Yeah. How is that going? Okay. So the first two weeks to be candid, I was just like crying a lot and was like, what is happening? And I was having full meltdowns. Oh, no. Um, but then my hormones kind of like
Benet and then he got to know me a little bit more like you know just our cues and he's like okay You're my mom I chill with you every day, and then I'm like, okay when you do that That means this and you know whatever so now I'm more confident with it, and it's going really really good And he's just like he's starting to smile at me. So I'm like you do like me Okay, because at first they're just like crying in your face. Yeah, and you're like, I don't know what's happening Do you hate me? But yeah
It's adorable and it's been interesting. So I feel like back to the women in business thing, I feel like it's been tough juggling working. So I've had to kind of scale back a little bit. So I'm only doing small murals now and doing live paintings for weddings. So like I'll go and paint their first kiss
and so there I do, like as kind of a, like as entertainment for their guests. Yeah, like living art, like, yeah. And so that's what I'm doing now, cause that's just like a Saturday and Brad can watch the baby and then I can go. But one of the things that I've learned with that is that, you know, I have this like image in my mind of like, you know, like the books where there's like a woman, she writes this book and she's like in a suit,
and she's like, you can have it all. You know those type of books. And I used to believe that and I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna, no. Like you do actually have to choose. Like I'm sorry, it just is what it is. And I'm like learning that. I think it's like cute and fun and all to be like, we can have it all, we can do it all. It's like, nah, you're gonna be burnt out. Like you really can't have it all. And that's fine. And that's like my phase right now in life is like being a mom more than working
right now and yeah, it's been different, but it's like, I don't know, it's really joyful for me. Every day he's just like smiling at me in the morning and I'm like, oh my God, now I'm in the best mood ever. And it's different than I cried when I first got pregnant because I was so sick, I was so excited, but I was just, it was a really tough pregnancy in the beginning and I couldn't work and I had to say no to things
That was the first time that I realized how much my job meant to me. And it was like a really, like, I guess, a part of my identity. So that was hard to grapple with at first, but now I'm used to it. And I'm like, okay, like being a mom is the most important job I'm ever gonna have. That's the way I look at it. So now I'm more okay with, okay, in this phase in my life, for a couple of years till he goes to school, this is just what it's gonna be. I'm gonna work a couple of Saturdays
here and there and that's just gonna be okay for now. Right, right. I think it's not necessarily that you, you can have it all kind of thing, but you can have all the important things because at the end of the day, jobs, a job, family's family, you know what I mean? It's like, yes, you need the job to support the family, but if you neglect the family because you're trying to do the job,
There's a disconnect. Yes. You know, so. And of course, you've got a, you know, a great partner in Brad. Yeah. I love watching the transformation of your cottage. You know, via your Instagram, because he is, let me just, let me just say, he is like crazy talented architect. I know. Crazy talented. Yeah, I got real lucky. And I mean, the stuff that you guys have done, you know,
It's just the interior home is beautiful. If like Augusta magazine hasn't come to take pictures yet or something, I'm the petition that they need to come and take pictures or whatever, somebody is taking pictures because it's magazine ready. So, so cool. And of course your first son, Hammy, Hampton. Hampton the cat. Hampton the cat.
of Hampton is also one of my favorite things. Because I did, having this stray pop up on your front porch that you decided to pour into in love, did it help like when little BB King was coming along, you're like, I already know how to kind of take care of some stuff and you know. Oh yeah, because. Not that babies and cats are the same. Right, no totally though,
because I was so, I always like wanted to be a mom, but then I don't really know what happened. I don't know if it was like a society thing where now we just wait longer. And I'm not quite sure like where that comes from. Like subconsciously, I just kind of did this thing where I was like, I'm gonna wait a long time. But yeah, so I went back and forth with like, cause if when you wait, so, I mean, I'm saying so long, but like I was 31
thinking about it again, or maybe 30. And so you're so spoiled then, and selfish with your time at that point, where it really is like, I was like, I don't know. If I can do- Don't wanna give this up. Yeah, because you're just so used to it. But if you have like a kid mid-20s or early 20s, it's like you kinda didn't, you didn't get too long to get too spoiled. Right. And me and Brad just could seriously just go and do whatever. And I was really enjoying that. But obviously I knew like,
she probably try soon. And so whenever Hinton came along during that time when I was going back and forth trying to decide, like, I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom. And like everyone would be like, oh, you are so ready. The way you're swaddling the cat, like you're ready. Yeah. Oh yeah. And he's, he's a cute, I'm allergic to cats, you know, and just honestly, I think they're from the devil, but he's so cute. They are cute. I would give them that.
They're like, I don't even like cats at all. And I'm obsessed with them. And I just look at your story every day just to see what he's doing. And I'm like, wow, who's cat? It's the cheeks. It is, it's the cheeks. And then you just did the silhouette, the silhouettes of Bennett and Hampton that you put on your wall in your museum home. It was amazing. Oh, thank you. So what's next for you? What's next?
What's going on? What's next for you? So now that I have like more time to think about what I want to do, do I want to pursue other things or do I want to have a full plan and a binder when I get back to work? I actually, like you said, really love decorating. So I don't know. I've just kind of been trying to decide what I do want to do because I do have some other passions.
So I don't know, maybe I could do like interior design. Maybe, I don't know, I don't wanna leave art though. Cause like I said, it just like fell in my lap so easily I feel like that I feel like that's kind of like a godsend thing where it's like, okay, then you should probably do that thing. It's hard when something's working to be like, I'm gonna stop doing that and do this other thing that I might fail at. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, I don't know. But right now just mostly just being
This is the second segment of the show. This is where we dive a little bit deeper, talk more about mental health. I'm a firm believer that everybody goes through those down days, those days of doubt, depression, anxiety, you know, pressure from society, all that stuff that kind of weighs on us. And it makes us feel alone. The important thing is that we are not alone. Everybody kind of goes through that stuff and everybody handles it differently. So I want to know from you, how do you,
keep the darkness at bay. Yeah, I love that question. And I love that you do this segment because I think it's super, super important. So I actually have, a couple of people have written me in the last, I'd say like eight years, some really nice messages that were super, just like, just really like touched my heart. And I think we,
Well, so I've saved them on a doc. And if I'm having one of those days where a lot of doubts are coming in or I'm like speaking negatively to myself, I will go and reread those messages that people wrote me. Because I think so often like, we'll remember that one thing somebody said or that off comment or just our own, you know, crap in our head. Yeah. But we will like totally forget
that several people had said, or that really means a lot to you, you know? So that's one of the things. And then I also on that doc have a list of things that I do that are just random, like, oh, one time I made me really happy to go sit in the chair out back. I need to remember if I'm sat, I have this swing in my tree, and it just calms me a lot. So I have this list, there's probably like at this point,
things on it of just things that are just really simple, but I like forget. So if I get in kind of like a spiral about something, I'll go to the list and I'll be like, all right, we're gonna go for a walk or, all right, we're gonna go sit in the tree. Or okay, that one time that I took my shoes off and grouted myself like in the grass, that made me really happy and kind of switched some gears in my brain. So yeah, those are, that's something that I've been trying for the last couple of years and that works a lot.
Like I said, I can get in a full spiral. That's what I call it. My husband knows when the spiral is coming on, he's like, are we about to spiral? And I'm like, yes. And he's like, go get the list. Oh, yes. And that's great to have a partner again that sees you and knows you. Oh yeah, he knows the look in the eyes when I'm about to have a spiral. Yeah, yeah. And I know your art is different
and things like that.
because I know those internal feelings can come out in our work, whether it's in a regular job at a desk, it's in an artistic endeavor. Do you think that, are there any pieces you've done? I don't expect the answer to be any particular commission, but like any of your mural work or anything like that, that you can look back and like, that was a bad day and I picked this color
because that was how I was feeling that day. And it ended up working well with everything else or something like that. Again, I love how the artistic mind works. And I do understand that doing theater, we use our emotions to convey emotions of other people. And you draw on that stuff. And so it becomes part of your tool belt. Yeah. I haven't done that just because the murals that people usually want for me are happy
bright colors, so I'll usually go with really like the vibe that the establishment is kind of going with, but I do have every now and then I will do a painting. I think I've probably done two or three that no one ever sees. And they're just very, like for me, and yeah, just really like putting on some music and just like going at it, because like I said, painting is really therapeutic for me. I struggle with like anxiety really bad,
actually have gotten a lot better. I can't even remember how bad my anxiety was until you get anxiety from pregnancy and stuff like that. Like I would just wake up in the middle of the night and be like, what? We're gonna have a human in here? And like totally freak out. I don't trust me to have a human. Yeah, right. But yeah, actually, so I found
aptigent called Ashwagandha and I found it in a form, like an oil form. And so I will take that at night sometimes. Some people say it's kind of like CBD. So that helps me a lot. But I also do this thing where I will, I don't wanna call it journaling, cause like journaling sounds like, I don't know, kind of silly to me. I don't know why, but I will do this thing where if I'm having an issue,
and I'm getting that anxiety and I feel it's coming back up again, I will write down what's going on with me so that would be like a sentence. Like I am feeling really nervous about this meeting Wednesday. And then I'll, and I do this thing where I will continuously ask myself why. So then I'll say, okay, why? And then I'll write that down. And then to that I'll say, okay, why? And then keep doing that till I get down to the root of the problem. And that really helps my anxiety a lot because sometimes
know where it's like quite coming from. And then it can spiral out of control into something then you have a panic attack or something and you're like, whoa, what's happening? How did this happen? So I try to stay on top of my thoughts. And I'm just very in tune with myself. I've always been that way. And not that anything is against like medication at all, but I try to be as natural as possible because I do believe that my anxiety is from
just circumstances, not like a chemical imbalance or something, so like obviously I'm not a doctor, talk to your doctor, but this is, that's like what works for me, it's just like really like checking in with myself, and my anxiety has been so good, and also shout out to my husband again, because he's so calm, that I think that helps me a lot too, like having a calm partner that you live with. But yeah, my anxiety has gotten so much better
from doing that. And yeah, I always tell people that's what I do. Cause it works. Like it's so crazy what will come out when you just keep asking yourself why. It's like by the time you get to the root that you're like, how was that the thing that was upsetting me to the point where I was nervous about a meeting with someone on Wednesday, you know? I love that though. I mean, that's very much in line with what we're saying
things on the inside using something to get them out. You know, sometimes you have joyful things in there and you grab your paintbrush and you paint in yellows and blues and greens, but sometimes you have things that are bothering you inside and you're using that same type of release, but instead of a paintbrush, you're using a pencil and you're writing it down. I love that. And then I burn the paper, just by the way. Do you really? Yeah, it's kind of like a little ceremony. Yeah.
Cause I also like, I don't want anyone to read it cause it's like very vulnerable cause like when you start asking yourself questions and like you're writing like no one's gonna read it can get pretty real and raw. Well, you know what? That is a great part of that too though. You know, I can understand people who journal and they want to keep so they can look back and look at the progression of things. And I take that back. Journaling is not silly. I just think the word journaling for some can be like.
Like, right. Yeah, it's. I feel like people kind of like laugh at it or something sometimes like, oh, you're journaling, you know. It's, well, I mean, you just call it writing down. I'm writing down my feelings. Yes. It's a way to say that faster if I say I'm journaling. But I love that the burning of the thing, the root, you know, once you've discovered that. Mm-hmm. That's gotta be a very powerful part of that process. Yeah. Oh yeah.
I have to like do something tangible. And then, and then I try to work on whatever that root thing was. And sometimes I can, whatever it comes down to, I can work on it in like a week and kind of squash it. And then other times it's like there's one issue that I probably might just have my entire life. But I try to manage that by staying like super, super in tune with myself and checking in
the time. Probably a little too, Brad's funny too, because he'll be like, you know Bennett so well. Like I'm so just, yeah, it makes you more in tune with your surroundings too. And that might just be mom intuition. But he's like, you always know what he wants. That's part of the job. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, how did you know that? Yeah.
All right, April, this is the third segment of the show. It's time now for the Fast Five. Fast Five. It's time now for the Fast Five. Fast Five. Fast Five is- I loved that. And we're still working on the theme song. I'm just workshopping some things. I'll get one one day. Fast Five is powered by Poddex. It's an app created by my friend Travis Brown. Four podcasters, so it's great, you know, conversation starters and interview questions. But it's also great if you just need
somebody and you don't know what to talk about. So if you go to chewingthefatbr.com slash poddex and use the promo code CHEW, you can get 10% off of your physical decks. I'm going to use the app available in whatever app store you may have on your phone. And I'm just going to hit the randomizer. No wrong answers. Okay. No pressure. I'm so bad at stuff like this. No wrong answers. And just first thing comes off the top of your head. You ready? All right. Question number one.
Name one thing on your bucket list. I really want to go to Greece. Really, really, really bad. I feel like in a past life, I was Greek, maybe. Possibly, yep. Very cool, very cool. Have like a longing to go there. Yeah, yeah. Definitely want to do that. Okay. But then we had our kids and I was like, oh, I'll go there in a while. I'll take them with you, take them with you, you know. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Yeah, oh yeah, I could take them with you.
Like grandma pop up. Can y'all just watch the baby force? Yeah, cause I've got like things to do. I gotcha. I gotcha. That's awesome. Alright question number two.
Which do you think is prettier, a sunrise or a sunset? I really like sunsets, because the colors, they're just like this deep oranges and pinks and blues, I mean, not blues. I mean, those purples and stuff. I would do love a cotton candy sky, that's my favorite. That's a good one, when there's been some fluffy clouds and stuff like that, yeah, that's a good one. I always say, I think I love sunsets more,
but I think I appreciate sun rises more because I see fewer of those. I'm not up when the sun's coming up. That's true. So I think when I have a chance to see that, I try to appreciate it more, but I definitely do love a good sunset. All right, number three. Okay.
What was the last book you read? So I do audible. Yeah. We'll count that. This is not a fun topic, but it was, I won't say what it was about, but it was a, it was a book about making decisions about children. Okay. Yeah. About like what to do in some instances and things. Okay. It was, it wasn't like the, the, what to expect when you're expecting
or anything like that. Okay. Okay. But kind of like that. Okay. So just some, some new parents. I'm being vague. Yeah. I see that. Some new parents, because you've not given a title. New parent tips and tricks type of thing. Okay. All right. That's good. Which makes sense. Obviously, your new parents make sense. All right. And we're at number four.
You can choose anyone in the world to become friends with. Who would you choose?
Okay, I don't know why, but I just feel like me and the Avit brothers would be best friends. I have always thought this, I truly believe it in my mind. I'm like, if they just, if like we could just talk for like a second, we would all be friends. That's awesome. And I truly believe this in my mind. And you know, the thing is, is that's not outside the realm of possibility as much as they come to town. I know, yeah. I've seen them like, I think 10 times now. Yeah. I mean, if you- I'm coming off obsessive, but that's fine. I mean,
I mean, you should, can you like, you know, get a backstage pass or something? I mean, it's like some feel like you probably, Hey, I didn't know this, but one of them is an artist. I can't remember which one now. This wouldn't be the one you'd be friends with, I guess. Right. Although that would be a great intro, right? I think he did one of their album covers too. I'm pretty sure. But anyways, I didn't know that. And he, and yeah, I just think that's really cool. But that's, I mean,
that may be your in-road there. Be like, hey, I do art. Let me do a live painting at the next concert of you guys on stage. Look, oh, you do art too? Right, yeah. Here's my card. There we go. And also my husband, Brad. Yeah. And number five. I'm gonna go with the
What will we find if we look in the bottom of your closet today?
Well, there's a lot of things down there. Okay, so I actually am in the process of getting a closet system. Cause we have the tiniest closets in our 1938, built in 1938 home. And so right now we've got a lot of dusty shoes. We've got winter clothes in a box and some bathing suits on the floor.
are in there right now. That's what we got. All right. That's, I mean, you know, that's. It's kind of boring. Well, I mean, no, it's not boring. I actually know exactly what's there right now because I was looking at it. This is a process. Yeah, because I was like measuring. Yeah. So like, yeah, this is dusty shoes. I don't know how the closet gets so dusty, but. Well, I mean, so let me ask you about the shoes. Are you getting rid of the shoes? If they're dusty, you're not wearing them, right? Yeah, yeah. Well, I've changed styles,
being a mom, I am overheels. Like I'm not doing a heel. I mean, unless it's a comfortable heel. Gotcha. Like a kitten heel or something. Right. Like I'm, or like a wedge or something. So I'm completely rehauling my wardrobe. Okay. Yeah, we're going to get rid of some things. Cause there's some like stilettos in there. And those are definitely not ever being worn ever again. Who has the time? Yeah. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
I don't know, I definitely don't. I quit wearing my stilettos years ago. Right, right, right. Well, that's April, that's our Fast Five, and that is the show. Thank you so much for being here. That was fun. This is awesome. So if folks wanna keep up with you, what's one of the best ways that they can find you? Okay, so I'm really active on Instagram at AprilHenryKing, and also on my website, AprilHenryKing.com, where you can look at my brochures
I've meant painting, which I am doing in small murals. And I'm also on Facebook, April Henry King. So I'm April Henry King handle at all the socials. All the places. So if you guys would like to have a beautiful, faceless picture of yourself painted by April, please check out the website. And if not, just follow her on Instagram to get the hammy updates because those cheeks,
Serious those cheeks if I don't post him people will be like hey, is he okay? Did he run away? Yes, yeah, because he is still a straight cat. I mean he like sleeps in your house and stuff now I'm pretty sure some he came home the other night. I'm pretty sure someone cut his hair I'm like you have another owner like this is so rude So keep up with the hammy drama on Instagram thank you again so much for being here. Thank you so much
awesome. If you would like to support this podcast, I'd appreciate it if you bought me a coffee at chewingthefatbr.com. While you're there, you can find out more about April. I'll put the links in the show notes and on the website. But until next time, I look forward to the chance we have to sit a spell and chew the fat.

April Henry King
I was born and raised in Augusta, GA and have always had an appreciation for this town. After graduating from Augusta University with a Bachelors in Art, my husband and I decided to roll up our sleeves and help make our beautiful hometown funky again -instead of moving to an already developed, super cool, fun city we wanted to enjoy where we came from along with the process and joy of watching it transform knowing we could be a small part. It is the best feeling in the world to step back and look at the progress our town has made over the last 5 years and holding my head up proud when I see all the color I was able to add to our sweet city over the last couple of years!