Danny DelVecchio, Sales Coach, Podcaster, Dad

Have you ever felt like your knowledge and talents were going underappreciated where you work? Ever want to take tose skills and do something for yourself and become your own boss? My guest Danny DelVecchio did just that and is thriving as a business coach on his own terms, even working with his old company but at a rate that he decides!
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I'm like, why is nobody buying my shit? I'm like, what am I doing wrong?
Welcome to another episode of Chewing the Fat. I'm your host, Big Robb. Thank you so much for tuning in, downloading, following the podcast. I really do appreciate that. Also wanna say a big shout out to Addison. Thank you so much for buying me the coffees at ChewingtheFatBR.com. I really appreciate your support of the podcast.
I am so excited about my guest today. He's a guy I've known for just about as long as I've been podcasting. So we were part of kind of this inner circle incubator mastermind group. So please welcome my friend Danny DelVecchio. Danny, what's up? What's up, Rob? Thank you so much for having me. I am super excited to be here. Thank you for being here, man. This is I've been looking forward to this since we've planned it a few weeks back and all. And
Getting everything lined up here. This is so good to, first of all, see your face again. I hadn't seen you in a little while. Everybody's been kind of doing their own podcasting things and their own social media things. Your background is in sales, and you are doing some amazing sales coaching on Instagram. So kudos to you for finding that niche and just really killing it, man. Congratulations.
Yeah, thanks. It was like, it was an interesting road, um, from where I started to where I am. Uh, especially like, you know, it started in the group that we were in together. Right. So it's especially good to be hanging out with you on a Thursday night because that's what we used to do. Right? Yeah. Yeah. This is the normal time, man. This is a normal time to hang out on Thursday nights. Um, I came to the group as somebody is scared to press the record button, to start a podcast.
you already actually had a different podcast going completely, different subject and everything like that. And we're just, I guess we're looking to grow that podcast and you kind of found a different passion, am I right? Yeah, exactly. So, first off, experienced podcaster for sure, because I started podcasting in, I think it was 2016. Wow.
Yeah, I was, I was like, I would think I was an early adopter of podcasting, I guess. Right. So I started just like BS and what my friends about, uh, with a friend of mine about TV and movies. And then I was like, you know what, I want to take this podcasting thing a little bit further. I want to do something, uh, different. I want to do something more interesting. So I was like very, uh, my favorite show at the time,
was this TV show and practical jokers. You familiar with it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So I just liked it. Four guys from Staten Island, you know, like middle aged like, and they just kind of made it big at that point. Right. So and I just think they're really funny. So I was like every TV show at the time has a podcast. So it was like Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad and like.
you know, all these shows have like 50, a hundred podcasts about them. Impractical jokers had zero podcasts about it. So I was like, you know what? I'm going to create one. Yeah. And you know, I never anticipated what it was going to be. Um, but about 60 episodes, 350,000 downloads, and actually had one of the impractical jokers on my show. Uh, and that was probably one of the coolest moments ever.
That's amazing. That is amazing. That is so cool. You know, when you take a passion like that and like, Hey, I'm going to expand on this in a, in a fun way. Obviously you were having a great time doing it. And, and then to like, for it to kind of take off like that, it's amazing, man. And you're, you're up in that area, right? You're, you're in Long Island, right? Yes, sir. So, so that's kind of where those guys are from, right? Yeah. They're from Staten Island, which is
you know, I'm probably about, I'm less than an hour from, from where they, where they grew up. Nice. Nice. Yeah. So it was interesting because when, so basically what the long story short, I stopped the podcast because I got this big fancy job and I was doing a lot of traveling and my cohost quit on me at the same time. And I tried to keep it going on my own and try to get a guest every week. And it just didn't work out. So I ended up stopping, um, that show and,
I guess it was around this time last year really that I had started a new podcast that I was trying to get going. And obviously that's when I decided to join the podcast mastermind group that we were both a part of. And ultimately what happened with that podcast was it sort of went in a direction that I never intended for it to go. And I kind of got a little bit frustrated with it.
And we had this amazing coach in that podcast group who gave me the direction of, Hey, Danny, stop doing a podcast. Yeah. That's kind of, you would think that's bad advice for a podcast coach to tell someone that wants to be a podcaster. Just stop doing the podcast. It's like, Danny, stop the podcast. And he goes, you obviously have something else that you are passionate about. And you have, and you have it.
opportunity to grow a business. He's like, start building the business and then do the podcast. And that was his advice. And since that advice, I have started a business and it has significantly grown month over month over month from the six, seven months ago that I started it. Yeah. Has it gotten to the point where it can be the full-time
thing is that the goal first of all is maybe it's not the goal to be the full time thing. It's the ultimate goal, I guess, for sure. And it's within striking distance at this point. It's the first time that I can actually visualize it, that I'm getting close enough to where it is potentially within reach. So a couple of things that are going on. It's
There's just like, you know, when you put yourself out there and you start doing things and you start connecting with people, good shit starts to happen and opportunities present themselves. And I am in the middle of growing like a few different things. And, uh, ultimately I think obviously that is the, uh, that is the end goal. And it's, it's closer than I would have thought. That's awesome. That's awesome. And, and to think that that.
came from someone telling you to stop doing something. You know what I mean? That's true wisdom there to be able to see. And I mean, shout out to Travis Brown. He's still a very good friend and mentor to me. I would assume probably to you as well. That takes more than just, you know.
Plug in tab A into slot B, blah, blah, blah, because there are so many people out there that want to coach people and want to tell them, oh, here you do this, and they just kind of churn and burn the same info to everybody. But to be able to really analyze what somebody's got going on, and I think one of his greatest skills, not to gush on Travis here, but is to really recognize what the heart of a person is and where their passion truly lies.
Yeah, absolutely. And, and, um, you know, it's, it's been cool because, you know, obviously after the group disbanded, um, you know, I stuck with Travis. So I still, I still work with Travis. I meet, I meet with him once a week and, you know, he started out as my podcast coach and it has really turned into a business coach, which has been very cool. And I don't think that he obviously intended for it to be that way. I think it just evolved that way.
Um, but we've also become great friends over that period of time too. So that's pretty cool. Yeah, absolutely. So what is the, uh, what's the business? What's what, what's, and you say you're about to start another podcast. So what's tell us, tell everybody what's going on. Yeah. Yeah. Got it. So basically what I, uh, 18 years of experience in sales.
and all in corporate America, started at the bottom, you know, working as a sales rep in Radio Shack and worked my way through the ranks into AT&T. And I spent seven years working at AT&T. And then I worked for a big AT&T affiliate company and I ran a pretty large sales team. I ran a team of seven sales managers, 50 sales reps. And I was part of a small team that really built a division
And we grew this division from eight people. When I started, we had eight people in three years. We grew it to 150. Wow. Yeah. So it was crazy. It was, it was an amazing time, but it was also a lot. Uh, it's, it got to be a lot. I was covering from new England down to Florida. I was traveling three out of four weeks every month, you know, leaving my wife and my son at home, you know, for at least for a few days, uh, almost every week.
And it's just it got to be a lot. And ultimately, what ended up happening was the company ended up getting acquired. And, you know, at that juncture, you know, me and some of the other people that had grown that division, we we decided to try to make it our own company. And I wasn't really as active in that. I just decided to go work there with them. And it just didn't work out for me. It wasn't the same as it was prior. And.
You know, ultimately, I at that point was like when I said, you know what? I want to start a side hustle. I want to start a new podcast and then kind of build a side hustle around that podcast. And then, you know, as I started. Conversing with mentors and sharing some of the things in my past that I was good at, you know, I learned about this whole online coaching world that I could actually go out.
and find people online and share my expertise and experience with them and they could pay me for it. And I was like, that's amazing. Cause that was my favorite part about being a sales manager was coaching my team, right? That was the best part of being in that role. And when I got that, and kind of like when that company got acquired and I went to work at the other company, I kind of went backwards because I wasn't managing and coaching anymore. I was just
doing direct sales myself. So I was kind of missing that favorite part of what I did at the job previously. And it was like, wait, hold on, so I can do this on my own. And basically, I just started telling people what I was doing. I said, I'm starting this coaching business. I started to create content on Instagram and I was able to land a couple of clients pretty early on, all from people that I knew, people that were in my network. And I brought them on early.
And throughout the time, you know, I've been with them, you know, I've been with both of those clients for about six months. And then, you know, I started to put out some more content. I started to do some more promotional things. I started to do some more networking. And you know, now I'm bringing on a couple of new clients every month into this coaching program. That's awesome. And
Yeah. And in this time also, I've become quite the content creator. Right. So like, you know, I had always enjoyed the podcast medium, but now I am, you know, happy to be in front of the camera, you know, doing short form video, doing long form live streaming, you know, being,
So I've really kind of grown in that whole space over the last six months here. And I've become very comfortable in front of the camera. So it's been interesting and that's why I'm obviously, I'm continuing that. I'm starting my own podcast now, which goes along with my business. So I have, I started this,
Actually, it's funny. I should kind of go backwards a little bit. So when, right when I start at the beginning of when I started on Instagram, um, when Travis said, drop the podcast and go to Instagram, I started basically doing a podcast on Instagram life for small business owners. I called it small biz savvy life. And I would bring on, um, business owners or entrepreneurs that had some value to bring to the small business community.
And I would do it about once a week and I would talk to different people. And that's how I made a lot of connections. And that's how that was one of the things that helped me to build my following and to grow my brand on, on Instagram, um, was small, but savvy live. And I always had the intention of, Hey, this is something that could potentially turn into a podcast at one point. So now that's what I'm doing. I'm taking that live streaming series that I do, um, and repurposing it.
as a podcast and going to start putting it out here. Probably within the next, um, I would say probably the next 60 days because, uh, I got a lot going on. I'm moving. So, uh, I wanted to try to get it out here now, but I didn't, I haven't had the opportunity to as of yet. Yeah, no, that's awesome. And then it's awesome that you're able to, uh, you know, make those connections and the networking and kind of every person leads into another,
opportunity and being able to take the content that you already have, put it out in a different format so that it's still valuable, it retains that valuable, that value for somebody else to find it. Because that's the thing is you don't know who's gonna stumble across that. Obviously when you do an Instagram Live, it's live, it's gone, you know what I mean? You can put it in your little favorites or your features or whatever, but in most cases, it's like if you're not there, you can't ask the question, you can't get.
that instant response, but you're able to take that content and put it out so somebody can digest it and still find you and still contact you and be like, hey, I like what you said in this thing. I want to know more. How can I get on board with what you've got going on? I think that's amazing, man. That's amazing. Yeah, it's really cool. It's just another to add a podcast to the mix.
It's just another way for me to interact with people that are already in my community, to bring new people into my community. Um, and you know, just another place to showcase my abilities and what I can do. And, but also to have some fun doing it too. And that's, that's the, you know, the whole thing with a podcast is I, I, I do a podcast cause it was fun, right? Like the whole idea was like, let's.
do something that makes me money that I actually enjoy doing as well. And that's why the podcast was central in that thing. And it was like, I tried to build the income and the business around the podcast, but I needed to build the business first and then get a podcast that complimented it. And that's what Travis brought out of me. Yeah, that's awesome. And that's one of the great things about having a good...
mentor or coach, like I said, they can see those things. I'm sure you do the very same thing for your clients in being able to say, hey, this is gonna be a better use of your time or your money or whatever to do this because in the long run, it's gonna bring you so much more satisfaction, rewards, fun, money in the long run for sure. Right, and it's the same thing with my clients too. It's like...
The whole idea is, or my mission, so to speak, is to help people to make money doing something that they really enjoy doing. And that's why I love some of the creative stuff like podcasts and YouTube and social media and the ability to obviously...
sit down and have a conversation like this and use that to promote your business or whatever it is. Right. So I really want to help people to do that same thing, achieve that same thing. And one of the things that I've done is actually started my own mastermind group. Nice. And yeah, so I actually, I actually have, I have two groups. I have a morning and an afternoon group or a morning and an evening group. I got a
day crew and a night crew just like, uh, just like we had over there. Um, I got about 15 people in it right now and that's what I'm doing is like, I'm just helping them navigate the digital space and the digital world and how to do things that are fun and are creative, but also use them to promote their business at the same time. Yeah, that is so cool, Danny. That is so cool. I'm, I, I I'm over the moon proud of you and the progress you've made from
from like I said about a year ago when first got introduced and you, you know, it seemed like, you know, week after week you were just, you were, you were struggling, you were like, what do I do this, what do I do this? Oh, maybe I'll change it to this, maybe I'll do, you know, I'm so glad that you found your calling and what is really lightening you up. I mean, you're just like smiles from ear to ear. So I know you're loving what you're doing, man.
Yeah, and it almost got, it almost took a little bit of a rough turn there for a second. I was like, I was ready to go all in and I was like, Hey, I pulled back and I'm glad I did. Yeah, for sure. For sure. And you mentioned that you're getting getting ready to move. Is that, you know, thanks in part to what you're doing and what you're going, you're able to kind of go somewhere else. And I mean, I'm assuming that means that you're able, like you said, you're able to leave that.
that old world, a regular nine to five behind. Yeah. So, um, I did, uh, I, I obviously, I got a lot. I have two, I have two sons and a mortgage and everything like that too. So, um, needed to make sure that I have health insurance and all that. And I still, um, so I still needed a, uh, a nine to five job to kind of, uh, you know, to get me through the next, uh, year or so. Right. And, and
Um, and potentially longer depending on, on how it goes there, right? But I, um, I was with a company, I was with one company and I was trying to actually get a transfer to a remote position or position, a similar position in South Carolina. Um, but for some reason I was just not having any luck. Um, either I would interview for things and I wouldn't get them or, um, I would get.
an offer for something and it was like half the money that I was making. So I couldn't pull it off internally. And luckily I had a good friend who is actually running a sales team, actually used to work for me at that company where I ran the sales team. So he started running a sales team for another organization in a similar industry to what we used to do. And he was like, Hey, you know what? I got a spot for you as a sales rep over here. So I am working.
I'm doing that. That's my nine to five right now. I'm building the coaching business and that's fully remote. So I still have my job security and my benefits and everything as we take the move over to South Carolina. That's awesome. And you know, I mean, but that's, that's, that's so smart because like you said, you, especially when you've got little kids and you know, if you have a, have a spouse that doesn't have insurance or something like that, that it's not just about the dollar sign.
you know, that's going into the bank. It's like how much is going out of the bank as well. And if you have something like that, that you don't have to pay an exorbitant amount for because it's part of, you know, your benefits package with your, you know, a remote job or something, I think that's great. And do you think, I feel like it is, but like the ability to work remote now, especially after the pandemic, and I think that opened up a lot of people's eyes to the ability to do good work.
but do it in a space that they're more comfortable in, whether it be in a different town or different state or even country for some people, you know what I mean? You feel like that's what may have played a part in that for you as well to like say, hey, let me stay at home with you guys in here, but let's go somewhere else. Yeah, no, it definitely helps, right? The opera.
opportunities that you have now to, you know, be a, to have remote positions and quality work that you don't need to leave your home for is great. And it's tough too, because my, you know, right now my wife isn't working either. So you know, we only have the, the one income where we got the two kids, we've got the mortgage we're in Long Island where I pay 10,000 plus dollars a year in property taxes.
Yeah. My property taxes are $11,000 a year. So, um, I'm very excited to head to South Carolina and never have to worry about that ever again. I'm in, I'm in South Carolina. I'm, I'm here and I think I pay like $1,200 a year, maybe 2000 at the very most. That's, that's my understanding. So, uh, yeah, no, I spoke to a lot of people and everybody.
It's like, yeah, you know, it's a couple, a couple of grand for your property taxes a year. And I was like, you're talking about taking it and cutting it to like 20% of what I was, uh, less than 20% of what I was paying before. So that sounds like, that sounds perfect to me. I mean, that's almost like getting the $10,000 raise right there. I mean, it sort of is. Yeah, it is. That's awesome. Yeah. It's a different, it's a different cost of living, um, here. And, and just like, all the prices in Long Island are jacked up. Yeah.
The gas is more expensive here. The food is more expensive here. You know, just going out to a movie or to a, uh, you know, bowling or something like that, everything, all the prices in the long Island are jacked up because it's just, it's, it, I think next to San Francisco, it's the most expensive place in the country to live. Wow. Wow. Well, I grew up here. I grew up here and, uh, I have,
I'm 39 and I've never left. Other than, you know, I went to, I did a few semesters in Massachusetts. So I'm excited though, because now it's a new adventure. Yeah, for sure. Time. That's awesome. That is so cool. Yeah. That's so cool. So when you're, well, I'm gonna say, when you have free time, I don't know that you actually have any, but I mean, when you're not coaching and you're not spending time with the family.
and you're not doing the nine to five thing, is there something that you're really passionate about outside of what would be considered work?
Um, so right now, um, no, but what I'm, what I'm lucky for is that some of the things that I do for work are the passion, right? Yeah. So, you know, doing, you know, something like a podcast or doing, or just filming a, a real video. Yeah. Um, you know, that's like stuff that I do for fun. I would, that's like things that I would do for fun, right?
Um, and so, you know, and obviously, you know, I have some friends and I like to, you know, go out and connect with friends and things like that. Um, but you know, luckily enough, I, I used to watch a lot of TV and I basically, I can't, I can't get through it. I get through maybe 15, 20 minutes of a TV show per day at this point, which is basically the last 15 minutes of my day. I pop it on the TV and I pass out to it.
So, and I used to watch a couple hours of TV like every day and I was real into TV shows and films and all that. But now it's just like I'm doing things that are more productive and also enjoying it at the same time. That's so good. That's so good. Well, what would be if, you know, for Coach Danny Dees, like two hot takeaway tips for like young entrepreneurs that are wanting to start something.
What advice would you give somebody? Okay, so number one is, and you went through the same thing where you talked about just press the button. Just start, just get started. There is no perfect time, there is no perfect situation, just start. There is somebody that you can help who knows less than you do.
As long as you can, you don't need to be the foremost expert to teach somebody. All you need to know is more than they do and help them get to where they need to go or help them get to where you are. So, if you want to do something, dive right in, figure out how to do it. That's number one. And then number two is everything is an experiment. You are going to try different things.
And some things are going to work and some things aren't. And when they don't work, you're going to get frustrated. But when they do work, you're going to feel great. And that completely outweighs the frustration. So just try new things, experiment, try whatever you possibly can. And ultimately, you'll find what works. And when you do find that, keep doing it.
All right, Danny, this is the second part of the show. This is where we dive a little bit deeper. We talk a little bit more about mental health. I think it's very important that we recognize as humans, we all kind of go through down days, sad days, whether it's diagnosed depression or anxiety, but we're not alone. Like I said, everybody kind of has those days. Everybody goes through it. And for you, how do you keep that darkness at bay? It's about having a support system, right?
And, you know, obviously, uh, you know, I have my family, right? So I have my wife, um, but my, and my kids really like my kids are my support system because every time I get super frustrated with something that's going on, all I need to do is go upstairs and my, my, my office in the basement. So all I need to do is go upstairs and take a look at their smiling faces. And that reminds me that like,
That's all that matters. All this other shit that I'm frustrated with and I'm failing or whatever it is, is nothing compared to just making sure that those two little boys are taken care of and are happy. So, you know, just being able to, and that's also the beauty of working from home, right? Because like I said, all I gotta do is run upstairs and see those smiles and get the data.
Yeah. And it's all good. It's all gone. So that's number one. And then just having mentors. And I've been fortunate enough actually to have found a couple of amazing mentors over the last couple of years. Obviously Travis being one of them and a friend, Adam, who I met a couple years ago. I met him in a virtual networking group.
During the pandemic, we started to connect and him and I have become friends over the last two years. He has become an amazing mentor to me. He is a super successful entrepreneur, business owner, and now we're business partners too. We have a business venture that we are working on together as well. And that's, I sort of said it before, like when you put yourself out there.
the universe tends to help you find the right people or help point you in the right direction. And it has connected me with some people who have made some amazing impact in my life and are definitely support people that are part of that support system that I'm talking about out here. So that's the key. Yeah, yeah. Ned, do you think, you know,
you know, a now entrepreneur yourself, you know, dealing with things like imposter syndrome or how the hell am I gonna pay bills? How am I gonna, you know, nobody's signing up for this class. What does it take for you for that mental fortitude to keep pressing on? It kind of goes back to something that I was saying where like everything is an experiment, right? Yeah.
Because I know that when something fails, that something else is going to work. Hmm. And, and you know what? It seems like when you have like the worst times, like, like, and this was recently, just even a couple of weeks ago, um, I was like, nobody's buying my shit. Like nobody's like, nobody is buying my shit. What the hell is happening? And then I, and then literally a week later, I sold, I sold the program. Then I sold another one.
And then I sold another one. So I sold three, you know, significant high ticket programs back to back to back after I was like, what the fuck? I'm like, why is nobody buying my shit? I'm I I'm like, what am I doing wrong? Like, and, and, and again, it was those mentors that were like, Hey man, slow your roll here. Right. They're the one that put me back into that, that mindset. Like, Hey,
You're going to go through these, these tough times. Don't freak out. Don't change everything. Don't lower your price. Don't, you know, just relax, calm down, take a break. Yeah. Yeah. Get through it and, uh, and let's, and let's figure out what's the better way to approach this and what's the better way to move on. Right. So, uh, go again, going back to that support system is huge.
But also just having the mindset to know that like things are going to fail and that's okay. It's okay that things fail because you're going to do something else that's going to be successful. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think that's huge. That's, I mean, even if you look at like, let's say Edison created 999 light bulbs, it didn't work. It only took that one to light up the world. You know, it's not letting the failures define you.
I think, you know, that don't be defined by the failures, be defined by the ability to get back up from a failure and to keep going. Totally agree. And you know what? You know, another thing that I think that's really helped me is that I don't, I don't hold back. I share the failure. I go out on social media and be like, I tried to do this and it completely failed. And here's why.
And you know what? People are like, Oh, you know what? Not a lot of people do that. Not a lot of people, like people always want to show you the good. People always want to show you what's going on when things are good, but people don't necessarily want to show you what's going on when things are bad. And I, um, have no problem getting out there and being like, look, I completely screwed this thing up or whatever it was.
Here's why I freaked out. Here's why. And, uh, I, um, I don't know. Like, I'm trying to, I'm having trouble articulating this. I just, I guess I'm just not afraid to go out and like share the failure. And because of that, it helps the authenticity and people like become, people are attracted to me partly because of the fact that
I don't just show them all the glitz and glam. I show them what's really happening. Yeah, no, I totally can understand that. The transparency of the process. They're like, hey, I'm not just gonna show you the highlight reel, you know, because there's enough highlight reels on social media already, where people are like sitting in their Lamborghinis, fanning themselves with $1,000 bills or whatever. It's like, okay, great, how did you get there? That's what everybody wants to know.
How did you get there? How many times did you fail? Well, you know, of course, most of the time, those guys, they rented the car and it's a bunch of stage money, but you know, but being authentic, being transparent with the process and bringing other people along with you to say, hey, I'm gonna try this thing. I want you to be along with me for this ride to see how this goes. And if it fails, we can all learn from it. Right, and that's the other thing too. Like, I think that...
other people, like I said, when other people are watching and all they see is the flashy stuff and all the good stuff and they're going through this tough time, like when they see that other people are going through that tough time as well, it can help elevate and motivate and inspire people and stop people from quitting. If I could stop one person from quitting by doing something like that, then I'll do it all.
All right Danny, this is the third segment of the show. This time now for the fast five, fast five. It's time now for the fast five, fast five. Fast five, thank you, I'm still working on a theme song. I love it every time and now I get to experience it in person, I love it.
Still working on it though. I think I'm gonna have my music eye on sometime. We'll see if we can actually get some music for that thing. Fast Five is powered by Poddex, app created by our friend Travis Brown. It's great for podcasters, interview questions. They're great icebreakers as well. I always suggest folks get some of the physical decks and just keep a few cards in your wallet or in your back pocket and just ask weird questions to people. If you're uncomfortable, make them uncomfortable with a weird question.
If you want to get some pod decks, if you go to chewwithfatbr.com slash pod decks and use the promo code chew, you can get 10% off of your physical decks. But no wrong answers. First thing comes to the top of your mind. All right, you ready to go? Let's do this. Fast, ha ha.
Which actor made the best Batman? Michael Keaton. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go with that. I'm gonna go with that. I'm gonna agree with you on that one. Yeah, I love Keaton. You know, he may not have been like the, I think he just, I think he was the best Bruce Wayne and Batman. He was by far the best Bruce Wayne. Nobody touched him. And I don't know, there's just, you know.
There's something about like the fact that he's not the obvious choice. Like he's not the obvious that he wasn't the obvious choice to be Batman. Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome. Question number two.
Is cereal soup? Why or why not? No, because you don't, you can eat cereal without liquid. You can eat cereal without liquid. Okay. Okay. All right. All right. I mean, so you're just doing a dry bowl there, but I mean, if you put the milk in it, is it soup now? No. No, no, no. I don't think it qualifies as a soup.
Okay. I don't know, do you? You think so? Well, I mean, I don't know, I can understand that because I mean, there are cold soups that are out there. So if you go with like a Vichyssoise, something like that, it's cold soup. And there's also like sweet bisques and stuff like that. I've been on a cruise and they have like a lovely peach bisque. So if it's the sweet aspect, it's like that's a bisque. It's still considered kind of a soup. So I mean, I can see that, but I don't know, cereal's cereal to me. Yeah.
Me too. All right. Question number three.
What kind of shower ideas do you get? Oh, the best ideas, content. Best content ideas come in the shower. Yeah, yeah. You know, I had a friend when I was working in radio and they said, you know, your best ideas come into three Bs. Bedrooms, bathrooms, and bar rooms. And that's 100% right though, because that's- That's amazing. You know, I think part of that is because, in pretty much most of those places, you're relaxed. You're not really-
concentrating, concentrating on something, you're just letting like life happen. You open yourself up to experience or whatever. So, so that's awesome. Well, so what's the last piece of content you came up with in, in the shower? Oh God, I can't even remember now. Let's say, um, um, I was like, yes, I want to do 10 sales questions because people are always constantly asking me like what questions did they ask on a discovery call? And I was like, you know what? I'm going to do a post.
a single post with 10 questions and I just came up with questions. I knew I had questions lists. I have a big list. Yeah. And I was like, you know what? I'm just going to pick 10 and put them out there. That's awesome. That's awesome. All right. Question number four.
If you could learn any language fluently, what would it be?
Spanish. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, definitely. Yeah. I wish I, I wish I would have taken Spanish in high school. I took Italian. Um, there's just, there's just such a use case for Spanish. You know what I mean? I, I, um, you know, I got some friends that speak Spanish. You know, when I worked in one of the stores that I worked in, um, there was a bunch of guys that spoke Spanish and I always felt like, uh, I was missing out. They, you know, they'd all be cracking up and having to have a good old time. And I'm like, man,
I don't even know. I have no idea what you guys are saying. Come on. Let me in on the joke. I want to, I want to be in. Yeah. The only thing I don't do in Spanish is curse because they all taught me how to curse in Spanish because they thought it was funny. All right. And question number five.
What was the first car you ever owned? Uh, Toyota. Oh man. It wasn't a Corolla. It wasn't a cab. A Toyota Cressida. Ooh, a Cressida. They don't even, they don't even make them anymore. It was passed down to me from my grandma. That's awesome. What color was it? It was like a silvery color.
but it didn't last very long. I only had it for a couple of months because the brakes were not good. And then I got a Toyota Camry after that. Nice, nice. It's funny, my first car was a Toyota as well. It was a Toyota Corolla, like hatchback station wagon-y thing. And it was just white, had that weird blue pleather interior. And it was passed down to me by my aunt.
I want to say that that car was like an 81 or something. It only had one speaker for the radio and there was no tape deck or anything. It was just a AMFM radio and it only had one speaker and it was underneath like the steering column or something. It was, but I drove the hell out of that thing. I'll tell you that. Yeah, my dad had like a Toyota station wagon, I remember too. And it had a third row in the back and you faced out the back.
And I remember like going and sitting back there with my friends and with my brother and stuff like that. That's a, and my dad had that car for like probably like 25 years or something. He wrote, he milked it for all it was worth. Awesome. That's awesome. Yeah. I was the one that, that everybody wanted to take it. You know, I was the one that picked up everybody to go to school. And so it was soon as I got in the car, there was no bus anymore. It's like, all right, we're going to ride for Rob and I would go around and pick everybody up and they'd be all up in the back of the station. It was awesome though. I love that thing.
All right, Danny, that's it. That's our Fast Five. And that is the show. Thank you so much for being here, man. I really appreciate this. No, Rob, I am. I'm so I'm so glad you when you reached out to me, I was like, man, I've been waiting to be on this one. And you know, you know, as far as your episodes go, right.
I love we didn't get it in this episode because I didn't bring it out in you and maybe in the future I will bring it out of you is when we get the real southern Robb going right and my favorite one was with your mom right because it was like okay now I see where southern Robb comes from.
I appreciate you and I appreciate your friendship and being here and and opening up I do appreciate that and I'm so looking forward to everything that you do have coming up in your life with your move for the podcast with Coach Danny D as a matter of fact if folks want to keep up with you, how can they do that? Okay, so the best place that you can keep up with me is Instagram So on Instagram, I am at coach D
That's Coach D Sales. And then you can also find me on my website, which is coachdannyd.com. That's awesome. And of course you can find those links in the show notes as well as on the guest page on chewingthefatbr.com. One more time. Danny, thank you so much, man. I really appreciate you being here and just send you all the love and luck for the future, brother.
Yeah, thanks, Robb. Next time we'll do this one in person. Absolutely. When you get down to South Carolina, you better believe that. All right. Love it. And if you would like to support this podcast, please consider buying me a coffee at chewingthefatbr.com. Also on there, you can check out the shop. Got some t-shirts and journals and things like that. I'd appreciate that. It helps keep the podcast rolling. But until next time, I look forward to when we have a moment to sit a spell and chew the fat.

Danny DelVecchio
Business Owner
Danny is a husband, father, content creator, coach, sales professional, and business owner. He helps individuals and brands use social media to promote and grow their business.