Elizabeth Canas, Foodie, Blogger, Cook

Getting ready for a big weekend get together and need some fresh ideas for what to serve? The Corny Cook stops by to offer some suggestions as well as tell us how her food blogger journey began!
Find Elizabeth's recipes at TheCornyCook.com and follow her on instagram for even more inspiration at @thecornycook.
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I never before I started really getting into cooking and into blogging that I thought was as easy as it is, but it's so rewarding when you make a fresh pasta and you taste that bite.
Welcome to another episode of Chewing the Fat. I am your host, Big Robb. Thank you so much for everyone that's been tuning into the podcast and let me know how much you enjoy it. I'm having a blast doing this. So I appreciate you listening. I'm excited about my guest today as we're rolling into the 4th of July weekend. She is a foodie, she is a friend, and she is the corny cook, Elizabeth Canas, welcome. Thank you so much for having me, I'm so excited.
been? I've been good. You know, times have been kind of strange, but I feel like things are, we're, you know, we're moving on up. So I think everything's going better. That's good. That's good. Elizabeth, we met probably, I would think in theater here in Augusta, probably at Le Chat Noir. Actually, I think we did Christmas. Did you do Christmas Carol in 2010? I did. I did. Okay.
I was little 18 year old Elizabeth Braces and I think I was in like two songs. So I was definitely like girl in the corner. Yeah, but you know, one of the great things about the theater community is you meet such great people. My fondest memories are with theater people. And I also fail to realize how many theater people we know. And so just try like planning an event or something and then making a list of people.
it you're up to like 250 you're like oh crap that's like way too many I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to cut some of these people off this list no offense or anything else it's like I'll stream the event so you can be part of it but I love all of you right seeing your journey into becoming a food blogger a
to my life. And also I've had some of your food at some events that I know that you've catered like the Black Cat Picture Show at L'Chât and things like that. Where did your passion with food start? From just an early age, honestly, food for my family, it was just like part of our family, part of our family gathering. So I say so both sides. So I'm half Italian
And we definitely grew up when I was little, spending a lot of time with the Italian side of the family. And we can sit around the table for hours and hours, just snacking and even when you're not hungry, you just keep eating and eating. So I think definitely, you know, from an early age, I remember being very young, like probably four or five in the kitchen and cooking with my mom. And also eating things that most kids don't like,
and just very random things. And really from there, I just continued. I was six years old packing lunch for my dad and my sister and myself. So I always just loved being around food. And then as I got a little bit older, I was kind of a weird kid now that I think about it. I used to come home and I would watch the Food Network. That's like, you know, when I came home to watch and I just kept watching just like very early on, it was the Barefoot Contessa,
all of those like more classic Food Network shows. And then I just got myself into the kitchen and would bake and cook or started helping with holiday food with my mom in the kitchen. Yeah, and I mean, I think that cooking is, and food is so cultural. It's a gathering spot. The kitchen is the gathering spot. It's where everybody's coming together. They're throwing in, they're helping, they're setting the table, they're doing whatever,
you know, grabbing bites, tasting, and communing, and having that time together in the kitchen. It's just something, there's something different about gathering around food. I think you let down your defenses a little, because I mean, you're eating. You're eating in front of people, you know, sometimes with your hands and your fingers, you know what I mean, that type of stuff. So you're kind of letting your defenses down. All those, you know, pleasure centers in your brain are being
by the taste of the food and the scintillating conversation and stuff. I think that's such an amazing, unique thing to be able to do to gather around food like that. It is. It is. And you said it so perfectly. I mean, you find just that's like a connection, like you said, to every single culture. We might have our differences, but that is the same in every culture. So the name, The Corny Cook, what did that
come from? Because I have a theory I think where it came from, but I need the answer from the horse's mouth. I feel like I always have a long answer for something. So I got married and my husband's last name is Cor Nelson. And so when I was making this, long story short, where I was working, my boss just wanted to go ahead and order me business cards in advance. So she
I was still kind of in that limbo in between so it's like corn else in I can be a little cheesy to a fault sometimes so corny So then I put those two I put it together the corny cook The kicker is I never changed my last name. So We're just we're just going with yeah With the fact that I can be like cheesy corny. There you go. But see I thought that's what it was But I wasn't 100% sure. I think that's amazing. That's that's great
And in your journey with your blog, what do you remember what your first recipe was? Or what you were like, was it friends that said, hey, you should write these down, or hey, you should do this, that, or the other. How did that actually start? You know, it's funny, it's all a little bit of a blur now, but I do remember I posted, you know, I was just cooking things here and there, and I was posting a lot of food pictures on my personal social media.
Finally, I was like, maybe I should transfer this over. I'm looking for a creative outlet right now. At the time, I was managing the New Moon Cafe social media. I was getting that direct experience with food photography. It just was a natural step. Because when I started the blog, it was the same month that I left New Moon. I was going to work in a different realm and I was like,
want to stay connected to the food, I really want to stay connected to that creativity. And so I just kind of put all the pieces together. I have a photographer friend and she came and took photos for me and I got my web developers would probably laugh at my website, but I have my little Squarespace website set up. And the first recipe that I made was from so we have a, and I call it the Italian Family Cookbook.
but it's a Fiscaldo society. They're based in Cincinnati. Fiscaldo is where my mom's family is from in Italy. And they had made a cookbook, I guess, back in the maybe early 80s. And there's a recipe for a broccoli rabe pasta. And that was my very first post. So broccoli rabe for folks who don't know what that is. It's different than broccoli. It is. And I actually, I should know
not in the broccoli family. It's some other vegetable, but the best way you can describe it is like a bitter broccoli. Okay. So kind of like a mix of collard greens and broccoli or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like you want to cook it really, you know, it like collard greens, maybe not as low and slow, but that similar concept. So I guess for all the broccoli haters, it probably sounds a little off putting to say bitter broccoli, but it has just that
If you do it simply, you know with a little bit of citrus or if you want to add it to pasta or pizza Pork is really good So you've got the the website up The blog website the corny cook comm correct? Yes, if somebody went there, what's what are they gonna find? Is it still in kind of that blog? type of Aspect or is there like you have like an archive of your recipes or so it's mostly And I say blog
write long blog articles or anything. That's actually one of my pet peeves being, I guess, a food blogger is when you have to scroll and scroll and scroll to get to a recipe. So I would say, it's mostly, you see a little bit about me, you can find where to find me on social, and then everything is under the recipes tab. And it'll usually include some sort of short write up, and then it gets right to the recipe.
That is one of my, I guess I understand the thought process people that want, it's like, oh, the time they spent on the website and it's like, look, I don't need a 12 page diatribe about your trip to the grocery store. I just need to know what I need to buy at the grocery store and then how I'm putting it together because the picture looks amazing. Exactly, which I love to, I mean, that is one of the things about being a blogger. You do wanna know people's personality. So maybe I need to go a little bit more
But I just tend to when you go to this page. It's like a scroll scroll scrolls. Okay, there we go Yeah, are you changing up you put the story after the recipe, you know that way is people that want to get it He's like hey, there's the information. It's like hey you want to find out more about you know how This recipe came to be or something keep reading, you know, that's something something like that. That would be interesting That's a great idea. I mean what is is there anything that you've created from scratch that you were like super super proud of
I would say anything that is centered around like a fresh pasta recipe, just because that's something I never before I started really getting into cooking and into blogging that I thought was as easy as it is. But it's so rewarding when you make a fresh pasta and you taste that bite. So I would definitely say something along those lines. And when you say fresh pasta, I want people to understand that you don't mean like, oh,
vine and some basil or no, you made the pasta fresh, not you opened a box fresh. You made your own pasta, right? Yes. And it's honestly, it's like crazy when you like realize how simple it is. It's just your flowers. And so sometimes it could be a combination of certain flowers, but it's just your flowers and your egg and maybe a splash of water, um, it should, but it's just all about that right ratio. That's amazing.
obviously is on the website, right? People want to come make your pasta great. And I would imagine there's something special about it being fresh, first of all, but then also something that you made yourself too. Yeah. And I don't know if you, what you feel about this, but I feel like during COVID, everyone kind of shifted their mindset to that. Cause it was like, oh, I can make bread. Oh, I can do all these things that I like never had time to do or that I never looked up how to do. Yeah. What's the foamy coffee?
Yes, the one with the instant coffee. Yeah, like Dalgona coffee or something like that. And everybody was making that. It's like, just everything kind of went through phases because everybody's bored at the house, you know? But it's still some good stuff. I mean, I made foaming coffee. It was pretty good. I'm not gonna lie. I work in a coffee place and I was around like all these like, you know, finely crafted coffees and that was pretty good. Yeah, I mean. It's just like, yeah, it's a nice treat. I think, and I think that's the part of it
treat part of it, because it's like super foamy and it's like, almost like some sort of like a coffee mousse. Yeah. I would be remiss if I did not mention how beautiful the work is that you do around charcuterie. Oh, thank you. Your charcuterie boards are amazing. And of course, like I said, I see them on the social media, on Instagram, on, on, on your website. Um, that I believe is a full,
in and of itself, because you just did one for Pride that was just simply beautiful. Mm-hmm, I love doing them. It's just, you get to be creative, but you also don't have to cook. It's like the best of both worlds. You just get to eat it afterwards, right? You do, and I love cheese. So like anything with cheese or like those, you know, cured meats, it's just probably one of my favorite things. Are there any tips for people that wanna do like their own charcuterie boards?
I like to so I would definitely say you know try to pair things and sometimes you'll look at some of my boards and I just do things for like the color but you know a traditional charcuterie board you know you want to try and pair things that are going to taste good together so maybe you don't put like a blue cheese with I'm trying to think of like random things like a blue cheese with a chili chocolate.
chocolate and you know, like mousse or I don't know, pate, something like that. Right. But yeah, try to put things, you know, that you like to pair together. So like your nice like honey is with the blue cheese and like a prosciutto, things like that. There's also like a good rule of thumb, like you want to have like different types of cheese. So you want to have like your firm a little bit softer, you maybe want to have like a non-cal cheese on the board.
And I should know this better than I do but I want to say like traditionally on a cheese board there will be four different Kinds so you have like different offerings and things that go with different pairings yeah, and that's something that I've I actually went to a Class and it was supposed to be showing you how to make your own sugar reward And I asked that of the of the chef that was on the thing I was like is there a rule of thumb is there like what do you pair? What do you avoid?
I just do whatever. Just no white spots on the board. That's what you just want to fill in. No white spots on the board. I'm like, this, I did, I have wasted my money on this. No, I'm still going to eat that stuff, but I have wasted my money on trying to learn how to do this because that was not informational at all. So thank you for the information because what you just told me was like the information I needed to know. I did forget one, one major thing. If people who are charcuterie experts, experts listening to this are probably, oh, you forgot to say this.
people will call charcuterie boards literally anything on a board but charcuterie is actually the meats and so to have a charcuterie board you have to have those charcuterie meats on there and so if they aren't on there it's either a cheese board or a grazing board or a snack board. Oh a grazing board and a snack board those are terms I've not heard of but sound delicious but I wouldn't find meat on them that's what you're saying.
but they would probably also have things like people will put, people will put like cookies and cupcakes and just random things on there, which was also delicious. Yeah, absolutely. As we are moving into July 4th weekend, a grazing board might be a great option for folks. If you are having folks together, you could have a barbecue charcuterie board, right? Yes. Yes. I'm just picturing that right now. I mean,
put some ribs on there, whatever you want to barbecue. Put your side. Some brisket, some pork, some chicken, little anything, right? That is what we're talking about. I think that might be, if you don't have plans right now for the 4th of July, that is the plan. Make a barbecue charcuterie board. To go along with that, what would be some things that you think would be great, like side dishes? So I love, I mean, this is gonna sound crazy.
you know, simple, but I love grilled vegetables. That's, I think anything on the grill is so good, but I feel like that offsets, you know, the richness of everything going on. But then of course, there's like the nice classic sides that you can't go wrong with, like a good variation of a potato salad, which if you want it to lighten that up, you know, you can go like the non mayonnaise route and you can do like more of like a German style
or citrus based with lots of fresh herbs. That's always a good option. I love a good pasta salad. And I feel like you throw in the veggies in there and it's light, right? Yeah, right. I mean, you put lemon juice in it, that makes it light, right? It just tastes light. Yeah. If you take a bite of a cucumber, you're eating healthy. So I do tend to go like that classic American, I guess American, I don't know if potato salad is German, but those are kind of my favorites
4th of July. I also love like a really good grilled corn and you can turn it more like Mexican corn style which is always so good. I've grilled corn in the husk, you know, just put them on the fire and I think that's one thing that people forget when they're, you know, barbecuing, they're out there or they're grilling, you know, and they've got hot dogs and hamburgers even if they're simplified hot dogs and hamburgers, they're not smoking anything, they're not doing
Use that, throw some corn in the husk, let it cook, let it get a char on and then peel it and it's so good. Mm-hmm. It's just, you know, you would never guess that something that simple would taste so good, but it's just the perfect grill, char, smokiness, whatever kind of grill you're using. And really you can use the grill for your entire meal. You can even throw a cast iron on there. And if you wanna do a little dessert, you can do that too.
like a little cast iron peach cobbler or if you've got a pot you could throw some beans in there, make some baked beans, get some of that smoke flavor. Because I think when people are grilling out, I know there are people that do 100% understand the smoke aspect as an ingredient. But if you're, most people has got charcoal briquettes and they're just setting, they're
is a heat source, but the smoke 100% is an actual flavorant. It is an ingredient in whatever you're making. That's what creates some of those scent memories and those taste memories because of the smoke that's rolling around in there. And then if you can use that smoke to make, as part of your corn, your beans, as well as your meats, that just ties everything together as a plate.
And that's something I'm always in awe when you watch this food competition shows or like the barbecue competition and just the knowledge that people have about, no, we prefer to use like applewood or we prefer to use this. And it just amazes me how much of a difference that can make in the food. Absolutely. I think it's, again, it's the forgotten ingredient. It's like, it's like, yeah, that's part of that flavor that you're getting.
It's not just a heat source. Speaking of desserts, do you have a go-to dessert for the fourth or just in general? So I'm the weird girl over here. I am not typically a big dessert person, but fourth I always like to go a little themey and do red, white, and blue, so there's always berries involved. And so something I made,
ago during COVID. But it was ice cream sundae and it had berries on there. And then the syrup was like a red wine syrup. So that's always something that's really good. But I feel like, you know, I just love like the classic berries, put a little like lime zest, lime juice in there, you know, maybe throw it on some cake with a little whipped cream pound cake. I feel like that's one of my favorites.
and a wine sauce, like a reduced wine sauce. Is that what you're saying? Oh gosh. See, that sounds good. I've had like strawberries with a, some like aged balsamic on it before, you know? And that's super tasty. And you're thinking like vinegar on a strawberry, but it's just something, because there's a sweetness to the balsamic anyway, and it just brings out some of the vibrancy of the strawberries and stuff. Speaking of which, like you keep mentioning all these delicious things.
some of Rob's cooking. Yeah, well, we'll do, I'll have to have you over now that, you know, people can be places again, other than in their houses, you'll have to have you over and we can do a, we'll do a part two and we'll do some cooking or something together. You can, yeah, you can help me perfect my, my fresh pasta making skills. And then I'll make some peach syrup and burrata for us to stack on. How about that? Um, I'm already drooling. That sounds really good.
All right, Elizabeth. So this is the section of the show that we'd like to dive a little bit deeper. Everybody's had down days, you wake up and you're like, oh, God, I don't wanna go to work, or something more is weighing on you. And knowing that you're not alone is one of the things I think that definitely helps the most. And that's why I like this segment of the show, because it does expose that you're not alone. But what do you do
and to keep the dark at bay? So I guess, you know, a few things. So I try, and sometimes it can be exhausting. So I try on, you know, outward appearance to be like a very positive person. I try not to be negative or, you know, be upset, but, you know, that can kind of weigh on you on the inside. 100%. So I feel like, you know, sometimes, you know, going through COVID, I mean, that was rough.
like, you know, just the aspect of being at home, but also, you know, losing people. I tend to I just kind of like to shut away and you would think, oh, Elizabeth likes to go in the kitchen and cook. But I just like to I usually just plop on my bed here and put on a familiar show that I've watched, you know, over and over again. You know, a
just having that comfort of something familiar. Yeah. But then again, you know, I feel like people don't talk about mental health enough. You know, it's definitely something that is being talked about more, but you know, even myself, who is somebody who is, you know, advocated for people to, you know, talk to a therapist, take, you know, medication, or, you know, do things to, you know,
depression. Um, I kind of, you know, it's the classic, don't listen to your own advice. Um, so, you know, that's actually something that's been on my to-do list now that, you know, doctors appointments are happening in person. I'm like, you know, maybe I should go talk to a therapist cause I just feel like, you know, it's a, it's a healthy thing to do. And I think like you said, it's one of the things that goodness that is being talked about more. Um,
takes that stigma away from it. Years ago, if somebody said they had a mental health issue, there's such a negative connotation with that. It's like, oh, well, they must be crazy or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, they're levels, people. There are levels to it. It's not that at all. It's just that the anxiety, the worry, the dread, whatever
And it lives in your mind. That's the thing. That's the thing you can't get away from. It's not like carrying around a five pound sack of potatoes that you can just set down on the ground physically. Those potatoes are still weighing on your head constantly. So being able to talk about it and to demystify that, demonize talking about mental health
I have bad days, I have sad days, I have depression, I have anxiety. These are things that I'm dealing with, but I'm dealing with them. I'm not giving in to them. And like you said, just having a conversation can mean so much, because it's the act of getting it off your chest, that's what I'm saying. You sit down, you chew the fat with someone, you get it off of your chest.
It helps to lighten your load. It helps to lighten that burden. And there's people out there that will listen to you, even if you feel like, oh, I don't want to burden my friends. There are professionals, like you said, go see it, get, and make an appointment. There are professionals out there that will listen to you and help give you direction. Definitely. And I don't know, it's just, I think we, like we as a culture, like, we like to get to a point where we just have no other option. And it's just like,
problem now, but I feel like if we can normalize just in general, it doesn't even have to be like talking to a therapist. Maybe it is a creative outlet. Just normalizing that it's okay to do other things besides wake up, go to your nine to five and come home and do chores. Yeah. And I like that, what you're talking about is like just watching something like
talk about being able to recite every line from an episode of The Office or any of those Parks and Rec or those sitcoms that people have loved and they just watch them over and over and over again because they're on Netflix or Hulu or whatever it is they're watching them on or YouTube, they're just watching them there. There is that familiarity that is comforting. It's like, you know,
They're not your friends, but they provide comfort to you like a friend would. Definitely. I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. No, definitely not. If I told you how many times I've watched No Laughing, how many times I've watched Gilmore Girls, that's my comfort show. That's just my go-to. But it is. You're familiar with it. You don't have to think. They bring you joy.
show that's familiar to you. There's, and for that reason, sometimes I'll even for me watching food shows is very comforting to specifically like centered around like Italy, and just kind of getting to get a glimpse into, you know, oh, that's, you know, really interesting to see like, where my family's from, what type of food that my family is cooked
That's amazing. And that's, like you said, that connector. It's about making connections with each other, with your past, with your passions. And those are the things that help to keep you, keep you motivated to keep going, to learn more, to do more, to pull yourself out of whatever that funk is that you might be in.
And can I just say like in just complete honesty, I feel like me talking to you about this stuff is probably the most I've talked to anyone about this subject in a long time, which you know, maybe that's also part of the problem. So I love that you're doing this on your podcast.
It's time now for our third segment, a lot of folks favorite segment. It's the Fast Five. Fast Five. I don't have a theme song and so I haven't got the money yet to work up to pay for a theme song. I'll have to get Jacob to make a theme song. But until then you got me with the Fast Five. It's powered by Poddex. It's a great app for podcasters. But even if you've got to deliver a report in front of folks or you're going to make a speech or something, it's great
Just connect with folks. It's some fun questions with pod decks. Check it out. All right, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit the randomizer button, give you five questions. You don't have to think about it. It's just the first thing that comes to your head. Being a foodie, I did this with Bill last week, pulled from the foodie deck, because there's all different types of decks in the pod decks here. So this is the foodie deck. So yours are all gonna be food-centric questions here. So we're gonna go ahead and hit and get your first question.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten deep fried? Oh, deep fried. Maybe this isn't weird for the South, but this is weird for Elizabeth. So I was actually just at Pride. I was just at Pride this past weekend and there was a food truck and they had a fried gator on a stick. Ooh, alligator. Yeah. Yeah. Which I know like a lot of people eat it. I had just never had it like that before.
Wasn't bad wasn't bad was different. Not bad different, but not bad. All right, right. All right. Let's see what number two
Ooh, this one should be hard. What's your favorite food? Ooh, that's hard. Um...
I'm gonna have to go with...
cheese, which I think that's a genre of food. So maybe that's, maybe I'm stretching the rules here. I mean, it has its own section in the grocery store, right? I mean, you can, there's stores that have a cheese section outside of the dairy section. So I mean, I would think that's a favorite food, I feel like, I mean, you know what? That's your answer. Like I said, there's no wrong answer. So if that's your answer, that's your answer. Cheese, get the girls some cheese.
Cheese it is. Number three.
How do you feel about organ meats like liver or tripe? Oh, so I am okay with them. I've had tripe before and it was like very well cooked. But on my list of things to try is liver that is cooked. No offense, I love my mother. Is better than like the liver, overcooked liver and onions that she would make growing up. Because I'm sure if I had it cooked really well,
I would love it. So yeah, I'm okay with it. Okay, fine. I will say, when I was growing up, my grandmother was a big liver fan. My grandfather was actually a butcher. So he would always bring home butcher cuts and there would be, whether it be chicken livers or livers or whatever, and so she'd fry them up and then of course she'd make a sauteed beef liver with onions. It's probably one of the best smells
I love the smell of it, but it is, I am not, I can't do liver, I cannot do that particular, nope, nope, it's a no from me, and it's okay that other people eat it. Again, that's fine, but, and it smells great, but no, I can't, I can't, I can't do it. All right, number four.
Ooh, it's fondue night. Are you eating cheese or chocolate? Definitely cheese. Duh, duh. It's your favorite food. So I wouldn't, that was- It's my favorite food, yeah. That's a dumb one on me. I should have picked a different one. All right. And I'm the weird girl that's not a dessert person, so. That's okay, that's okay. All right, let's see here.
This is number five. What food do you never want to try? Is there anything? Ooh.
That is, um, so I feel like, um, any, any type of animal that I could have as a pet. Ah, okay. Yes. That makes sense. I was actually just talking about that with somebody the other day, cause they were talking about going to another country and how her sister tried camel. And then we got on the subject of like cats and dogs. And I think that's where I draw the line. Yeah. Anything that could be domesticated in you,
good, yeah, you definitely don't wanna eat your pets. That's a good one, that's a good one. I see, I went a completely different route. I was thinking, from watching food shows and things like that, I'm thinking, I do not wanna try durian, which is supposed to be that super stinky fruit that is some sort of weird egg custard texture, and I'm like, no, I am good. I'm intrigued, but I would try it.
Very tiny bite and I hold my nose. I used to watch Andrew Zimmern, you know, Bizarre Foods, and if he will not eat it, and he has not eaten it, several occasions been offered to him. I'm like, this man eats bugs and things from under a rock. I'm like, if he's not, it's not for me, it's not for me. That's a solid point, yeah. If it's not on the Andrew Zimmern, is it Zimmerman or Zimmer? Zimmern. Zimmern. Zimmern. Zimmern.
Zimmerman is pork chop, the artist in town. Yes. He also a snack. He also a scale. Next. Right. Oh, that was good, that was good. Thank you so much, Elizabeth. This was wonderful. That was our Fast Five and that's our show. Thank you so much for being all with me today. Yeah, well thank you for having me. I'm feeling extra hungry after this episode. Yes, definitely. As we're rolling the weekends, you're gonna have to make
and take some pictures. Let me see how that looks. Yes, and you take some pictures of yours too. I'm sure I will. I'm sure I will. Well, my problem is I remember to take a picture like after I've eaten half of whatever it is. So I'm having to do that creative plating so you can't see the backside. So everything's like low angles and stuff like that. So. You have those photography skills so you can make it look pretty. Right, right, right. So if people want to find you, they can find you online at thecornycook.com, correct?
Yes, that's correct. Also on Instagram at The Corny Cook and then probably search The Corny Cook on Facebook too, right? Yeah, that's where you can find me. Great, excellent. You're a delight and I love you. I love the stuff that you do and thank you again for coming on today. Well, thank you so much. It was a pleasure talking and seeing you. Yes, absolutely. If you'd like to support the podcast, you can buy me a coffee at chewingthefatbr.com. Thank you so much for listening.
check out the link to all of our guests, including get these recipes from Elizabeth, the corny cook online, chewingthefatbr.com. We'll see you next time when we chew the fat.

Elizabeth Canas
The Corny Cook
My love of cooking comes from my Italian and Salvadoran backgrounds and all of the incredible, fresh ingredients used in these cuisines. Food is much more than ingredients. Food tells a story. My blog includes a whole lot of cooking, a healthy dose of delicious charcuterie boards, a pinch of my "corny" personality and a lot of what the food community has to offer.