Jeffery R. Thomas

Jeffery R. Thomas Profile Photo

Videographer Extraordinaire

A native of the southeastern U.S., Jeffery R. Thomas (aka The Shadow) has never been a stranger to the woods. His fascination with bigfoot began in the 1970’s which coincided with his lifelong passion with television, radio, and film. Residing for the past 27 years in his birthplace of Augusta, Georgia, Jeff began his active research in the field of sasquatch in 2009. He became well known for his reels and video shorts on social media within the last year. Choosing infamy over celebrity, he is best known in the bigfoot community for his biting sense of humor, brutal honesty, and fearlessness when things go bump in the night. He is best known on the internet as a Generation X video creator deep diving in to the nostalgic nuggets of yore his silent but deadly (pun) generation thought they had long forgotten. His adventures include an appearance on the National Geographic International and Destination America channels, being an invited guest on multiple BFRO expeditions, a consultant to several nationwide groups, a trip to the Patterson-Gimlin film site at Bluff Creek on the 50th anniversary of the film, and a daylight bigfoot sighting in February of 2012. Jeff is the cofounder of the Central Savannah River Area Cooperative Sasquatch Research Association (Bigfoot in the CSRA). An avid visual creator, Jeff is rarely seen without a camera in his possession which garnered him worldwide recognition and celebrity through his social media posts and videos.

Dec. 15, 2023

Jeffery R. Thomas, Gen X Creator, Speaker, Videographer

Have you ever wondered what the proper name for a south Georgia Sasquatch was? Or how tapping in to a Gen Xen's sense of nostalgia could allow you to quit your job? Internet sensation Jeffery R. Thomas has got the answers for...