Katie Jostock

Katie Jostock Profile Photo

A Sunny, Funny Midwestern Mommy

Born and raised in Michigan, Katie has a B.A. in Communication and an M.A. in English Literature. She taught public speaking and intro writing courses at Oakland University (Rochester, MI) for several years before becoming an academic adviser and then risking it all to pursue her dream of becoming a VO actor. The first job she booked was for KFC, and she currently does dubbing, commercial, radio dramas, e-learning, and—in her free time—singing! She still lives in MI with her 3-year-old son, Joshie, her husband, Josh, and their bonkers pug, Marvin. Her mental health journey has often coincided with her VO journey in that she’s learned the most beautiful, powerful thing she can do is be herself—scars and all. Also, she knows her son is watching her and learning what Mommy does during times of struggle, and she wants to show him that—in spite of difficult times—he CAN give himself permission to pursue his dreams.

Dec. 31, 2024

Katie Jostock, Voice Actor, Singer, Mom

Sunny, Funny Midwestern Mom, Katie Jostock wraps up this season (and this year) talking about her journey from Teacher to Voice Actor, as well as her bouts of depression and how she made it through. Follow Katie on Instagram ...
Guest: Katie Jostock